This is my first Blog ever. I’m not much of a person that likes to detail my life. I’m typically quite private. I don’t do Face Book and don’t Tweet, etc...  I think I’m not much of a person that likes to be reminded of my past actions because they have mostly been surrounded by booze and partying. For two reasons, one quite obvious, I don’t remember and I don’t want to remember.

My drinking has been spiraling back into that nasty rabbit hole lately and it’s really time to NOT EVEN have 1 DROP of that poison!!

Lately I have searched around the web and there have been many posts that have been helpful, enlightening and all seem to have the theme that there is HOPE for me, after all, to live a clean and sober life. Because I’m a great secret keeper, mostly keeping my secrets hidden behind a huge heavy vault, by sharing my story it’s very uncomfortable to sweep all the shit out from under the rug.

I decided to follow what other successful people have done to help get and maintain a sober lifestyle.

Day 1 was January 4, 2018.

WHAT A FUCKING RELIEF, pretty much sums it up, along with a bitch of a hangover.


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