
Showing posts from January, 2018

3 weeks and going strong

I'm riding the roller coaster of living without numbing out.  The last few days I have been feeling surprisingly down for no reason.  Last week I had so much energy. I realized I am so in tune with my emotions that it dawned on me that while drinking I would numb out at all times so I wouldn't have to feel the stresses of regular life.  One imparticular is the relationship I have with my 3 kiddos.  They bring me such joy and lots of angst too.  Handling the demands each have of my and their bickering amongst each other has been quite challenging and very uncomfortable!  I use to just power through with a smoke screen, blocking out the irritating feelings.  Getting stuff done was with my physical being not my emotional being.  I do not care for constantly organizing and getting their needs met ALL the time.  It's exhausting.  I just need to take some time when I completely check out in a healthy way.  I think I will incorporate a DND (Do nothing day) once a week (half day)

Excellent book: A way to stop drinking the easy way

A few days ago I read a book that has helped me to stay alcohol free.  "The Easy way to quit drinking"(I think that's the proper name) written by Jason Vale.. It resonated with me so much.  The method of freeing myself from the alcohol trap has helped me maintain my alcohol free life.  I no longer want to drink!  I have been searching for a way to stop and enjoy a fulfilling life without alcohol in it.  Jason Vale describes a plan that works!  Finally I've found a way through the misery that imprisoned me for over 10 years. I can't thank Jason Vale enough.  He taught me how simple it really is to get and stay sober.

Day 8

Day 8 and still not 1 drop of alcohol. Tonight Hubby out of town for biz for 4 Days. Typically I would be planning the whole weekend around drinking. But instead I made plans that have no booze involved. Movie with my kiddos and dinner with my BFF. I had one small pang as I pulled in to my driveway around 5:00. Of course the 5:00 witching hour. Oh well it was a quick pang. Happy to roll into bed sober. Dealing with insomnia though. So hopefully tonight is a restful one.

Day 7: 1 week alcohol free

Day 7, and 1 week without alcohol! This week has been very busy with the end of the holiday season.  Honestly because my drinking was in high gear over the holidays (except a 10 day without booze in December), I'm so happy the holidays are over.  I have an all or nothing attitude and we say yes to too many parties, hosting and attending.  We have always been the "party" couple.  I guess that's the way I have seen it.... through my hazy, blurry boozy life... all self inflicted. Anyway, Day 7.  I'm feeling pretty happy.  Husband is proud of me.  He is very supportive and loves the fact his wife doesn't spiral down the rabbit hold 99 % if the times she drinks.  My drinking has always given him the "go" light to keep on booing also.  We have been drinking buddies.  However things have come to a halt!  For ME and my drinking. I felt some "pangs" as I have heard in other blogs that describe that "urge" that creeps up saying "
This is my first Blog ever. I’m not much of a person that likes to detail my life. I’m typically quite private. I don’t do Face Book and don’t Tweet, etc...  I think I’m not much of a person that likes to be reminded of my past actions because they have mostly been surrounded by booze and partying. For two reasons, one quite obvious, I don’t remember and I don’t want to remember. My drinking has been spiraling back into that nasty rabbit hole lately and it’s really time to NOT EVEN have 1 DROP of that poison!! Lately I have searched around the web and there have been many posts that have been helpful, enlightening and all seem to have the theme that there is HOPE for me, after all, to live a clean and sober life. Because I’m a great secret keeper, mostly keeping my secrets hidden behind a huge heavy vault, by sharing my story it’s very uncomfortable to sweep all the shit out from under the rug. I decided to follow what other successful people have done to help get and maintain a